Our Story

There is a vital need for collegiate ministries to flourish in the 21st century. Young adults long for engaging opportunities and transformative experiences of Christian exploration and formation. Collegiate ministry leaders deserve innovative resources, leading edge training, and stable funding streams. We serve a diverse group of collegiate ministry leaders, church and para-church leaders, students and others who long to see young adults discover the love of God in Jesus and discern their pathway of belonging within God’s unfolding story of justice, grace, and redemption. The CollegiateMinistries.Com team is a diverse handful of collegiate ministry practitioners turned resource development partners who have convened more than 50 collegiate ministry leaders from across the US and across the broader Christian family to discern together pressing needs for just, vibrant, and inclusive collegiate ministry resourcing. 

Thanks to grant support from the United Methodist Church's Young Clergy Initiative, we have received funding to underwrite a portion of the first three steps of our quest to Discern, Design, Develop and Deploy Dynamic 21st Century Collegiate Ministry Resources. We will continue to host gatherings of diverse leaders committed to supporting the development of faithful and effective 21st century collegiate ministries as time and resources allow. It is our intent that subsequent gatherings will Develop and Deploy new resources grounded in the grace of God in Jesus and the 9 values we discerned at our initial Discern and Design Retreats in 2018/2019.